
Tran Cannula

Brand: Fabrinal

Tran Cannula

Brand: Fabrinal


The Tran Cannula is a sterile single-use irrigation cannula with an innovative geometry used to clear the pseudo-exfoliative (PEX) particles in the anterior chamber of the eye.

The device is used for surgical technique called Goniowash. The aim of this technique is to remove PEX material from the irido-corneal angle (ICA) in order to decrease intraocular pressure (IOP).

Unlike a conventional single jet irrigation cannula, the Tran Canula is characterised by two distinct water jets separated from each other by a 30° angle.

The Goniowash Technique is intended to wash and rinse the ICA with a specific irrigation cannula in order to facilitate the evacuation of most macro- and microscopic PEX deposits and pigment accumulation.

The cannula should be placed directly to the ICA to ensure optimal flow and avoid the contact with the corneal endothelium or the iris. Due to a greater accumulation of material in the lower quadrants, the washout time for the lower area is usually longer, lasting about 2 minutes in the 3 and 9 o’clock segments, and being about 1 minute for the upper area.

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