
Fluoron F-Octane and F-Decalin

Brand: Fluoron

Fluoron F-Octane and F-Decalin

Brand: Fluoron


Ultrapure liquid perfluorcarbones for intraoperative tamponades

F-Octane is a sterile fluorocarbon compound of high density (1.76 g/cm3).

F-Decalin is a sterile fluorocarbon compound of high density (1.93 g/cm3).

“Ultrapure” here signifies a product that contains no relevant quantities of biologically active compounds. Due to the exceptional stability of the C-F bonds, F-Octane is chemically and physiologically inert and absolutely non-toxic.

  • Gentle retinal unfolding and stabilisation
  • Drainage of subretinal fluids
  • Refloating luxated lenses
  • Short-term tamponade
  • Outstanding stability and biocompatibility
  • Ready-to-use syringes


As a medical agent for:

  • Unfolding detached retinas
  • Giant tears
  • Trauma
  • Laser coagulation and cryotherapy
  • Refloating luxated lenses
  • Short-term tamponade